Wednesday, October 13, 2010

JED Editor's Picks Nominations - One Week Only!

The Joomla! Extensions Directory Team is proud to announce a new set of guidelines for the once Top Secret Editor's Picks!  With no new selections since 2008 and only 8 current listings, it's was past time to review our procedures and add new ones.  ThroughoutEditor's Picks discussions many ideas were brought up on how to handle the selection process.  To bring in community involvement, a nomination form has now been created.  The criteria for selection is listed on the nomnation form below.  The nomination process closes in 7 days, so make sure to get yours in quickly!
Selections will be announced by the end of October 2010 and the process will repeat every 6 months.  If an Editor's Picks is currently listed, that does not mean that it will be listed in the new round of selections.  Additionally, team members with listings in the directory have self-excluded from the selection process.  You may nominate as many as you wish!
A total selection of up to 60 Editor's Picks will be chosen (about 1% of the entire listings).
Happy nominating and good luck!
(Please note, blog comments will not be processed, discussion areas are available in the J!People site.)


JPEG / PNG Image Resizer using PHP script

PEG / PNG Image Resizer
Parameters (passed via URL):

img = path / url of jpeg or png image file

percent = if this is defined, image is resized by it's
          value in percent (i.e. 50 to divide by 50 percent)

w = image width

h = image height

constrain = if this is parameter is passed and w and h are set
            to a size value then the size of the resulting image
            is constrained by whichever dimension is smaller

Requires the PHP GD Extension

Outputs the resulting image in JPEG Format

By: Michael John G. Lopez -
Filename : imgsize.php

Download PHP Script:

PC World features eBay using Joomla!

The October 7, 2010 online edition of PC World magazine features an article titled EBay Deploys Joomla! for Analytics Portal. This article highlights the recent announcement that the online auction giant (who claims to run the largest commercial data warehouse in the world) has chosen to use the Joomla! framework as platform for a set of internal data analysis tools that will be accessible by the company's 16,400 employees.
Here is an excerpt from this PC World article:
eBay has always made it a key priority to encourage employees to collaborate and drive business innovation," said Bob Page, eBay analytics platform vice president, in a statement. "We are working with the open source community to elevate insightful ideas and innovations across our company, from our greatest resources, our employees.
More information on how eBay is working with Joomla! may be found in these team blogs:

How do you put a module inside an article?

You will usually want to associate modules with articles in some way. The modules are allocated to module positions and the module positions appear somewhere on the Web page as determined by the template. However, it is sometimes useful to have a module actually embedded within the article.
To insert a module inside an article, use the {loadposition xx} command, as follows:
  1. Create a module and set its position to any value that doesn't conflict with an existing template position. You can type in the position value instead of selecting it from the drop-down list. For example, use the position myposition.
  2. Assign the module to the Menu Items that contain the articles that you want the module to show in. You can also just assign the module to all Menu Items.
  3. Edit the articles where you want this module to appear and insert the text {loadposition myposition} in the article at the place where you want the module.
Note that this only works when the Content - Load Module plugin is enabled. If this plugin is disabled, the text {loadposition myposition} shows unchanged in the article..


IIS6 and SEF URLs using Joomla 1.5x

There are several steps one must take to get Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URLs to work properly when using Joomla! on Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) web servers. The following instructions should result in functional SEF URLs using Joomla! 1.5 and IIS6. The only caveat is that you need access to the server itself to install the ISAPI filter in step 1, so either you should be hosting your own server (not shared) or leasing a dedicated server from your web host. If you're using shared hosting, you will have to convince your web host to install it for you.